The Columbia Basin soccer Association (CBSA) consists of matches played at the 11v11, 7v7 and 5v5 (indoor) levels. Men’s and women’s leagues play 11v11, whereas 7v7 is played for all leagues, men’s, women’s and coed. 5v5 is currently only being played by women’s league. The men’s matches at the 11v11 and 7v7 level can also include women who want a higher level of play.
Players cards must be current and with players at time of any CBSA Soccer Match. A current temporary player league registration slip signed by a league official allows a soccer player, for the one month grace period only, to play in a CBSA Soccer Match. Referees will check everyone’s cards, registration slips or proof of purchase of WSSA player card prior to match. Late arriving players will be required to show proof of registration by one of the above three registration methods prior to entry into a soccer match. Without one of the three registration methods a soccer player is not allowed to play in a CBSA Soccer Match due to player insurance and referee liability concerns.
For all Men’s and Coed League matches, an official CBSA roster shall be submitted to the referee prior to the start of the game. Please remember that your teams should only be playing with players on your team’s official Roster. If your team chooses to play with players not on your roster the game should be recorded as forfeit (unless both teams agree otherwise, prior to start of the game). Teams picking up players should notify the other team before the match so that they are aware they have picked up players as well as the referee so he can record it properly.
For all Men’s and Coed League matches picking up players should only be done if a team is short players so that they can field enough players to have a match. Not to gain an advantage or supplement the team so they have subs.
For all Men’s and Coed League matches playing during seasons that have both A and B leagues, as a guideline, do not have more than 3 A league players on your B league teams.
For all CBSA Leagues players are only allowed to be on one team’s roster in each division. It is each of our responsibility to play by the rules and self-regulate each other. If you cannot resolve a player roster issue at the fields or if you know of teams/players that are abusing the rules please notify Jennifer Dorsett, CBSA League President, so that we may address the issue.
Teams must have color consistency for all their players so Referees can easily identify teams from each other. (new!)
For safety of goalies; if goalie has a hand or any part of the hand on any part of the ball, or have trapped the ball with any body part (leg, arm, back, etc.), the goalie is considered to have possession of the ball. Opposing player cannot legally play the ball or make contact with the goalkeeper when the goalkeeper is gaining possession or has possession of the ball.
CBSA’s Disciplinary Actions
Yellow cards in 3 separate games [1 season]: 1 schedule week suspension ( to account for multiple teams).
Any red card that is the result of measurable violent behavior (hospital report, police report) will result in lifetime ban from the CBSA league.
All offenses leading to MISCONDUCT penalties (ref: Law 12, FIFA Laws of the Game) are subject to review by CBSA Discipline Committee and subject to suspensions above and beyond standard up to and including expulsion from the league.
If CBSA League Officials deem that MISCONDUCT penalties should have been issued (based on statements from both teams and referee) to a player and were not, the conduct will be reviewed by the CBSA Discipline Committee and are subject to suspensions up to and including expulsion from the league.
League Specific Rules of Play
11 Aside
Halves will typically 45 minutes in length unless it is agreed upon to shorten them by both teams.
Gaining advantage from being in an offside position will be enforced at this level of play and the restart of play will be via an indirect free kick for the opposing team.
Restart of play for ball into touch will be throw-ins by the opposing team.
Men’s league allows slide tackling per USSF/FIFA laws of the game. Women’s league has no slide tackling at all and will result in indirect free kick from spot of infraction if the take is not a contact foul.
Any other situations that have not been covered above will follow USSF/FIFA laws of the game for this level of play.
Two 25 minute halves, match scheduled to start on the hour mark.
The restart of play for a ball touching anything out-of -bounds (includes above the yellow line on the wall, basketball backboards/hoops/nets, roof/structural members, etc.) will be indirect free kicks. A one yard clearance from a wall is allowed for the placement of the ball to facilitate the taking of the kick.
Any out-of-bound play WITHIN the penalty area coming off of an attacker will be treated as a throw-in to play by the goalkeeper.
Any out-of-bound play WITHIN the penalty area coming off of an defender will restart with an indirect free kick for the attacking team from the basketball three point line nearest to the out of bound point of contact.
No punting the ball into play by goalkeepers.
The penalty area is defined by the basketball semicircle three point line.
Goal kicks must be put into play from a throw-in by the goalkeeper that must touch on her side of the court first. The midline is considered as part of her half of the court. A violation will result in indirect free kick by the opposing team from mid-field line at the point the ball crossed the midline.
Penalty kicks are taken from the basketball free throw line centered between the goal posts.
When kicking from the yellow touchline on the floor for restart of play after the ball going into touch, the ball is in play when the ball is kicked. If the ball does not stay in play the opposing team takes an indirect free kick from the spot the ball goes into touch.
Gaining advantage from being in an offside position will NOT be enforced at this level of play.
Interference with the goalkeeper is not allowed (face-guarding, impeding, etc.)
Free substitution is allowed during the run of play as long as advantage is not gained by the substituting player or substituted player. Goalkeepers can only be substituted for in a dead ball situation after permission by the referee.
Any other situations that have not been covered above will follow USSF/FIFA laws of the game for this level of play.
“In bounds” considerations: short wall by bathrooms, under yellow paint and court.
Outdoor 7v7
Halves will be 30 minutes in length if the match starts on time.
Play will resume for a Ball into touch with a throw-in by the opposing team.
For start of the match, 2nd half of the match or after a goal, the ball can be played forward or backward by the kicking team.
Men’s and Coed league: Goalies are NOT allowed to punt the ball. Drop kicks are allowed. Women’s league: Goalies are allowed to punt the ball.
Goal kicks can be taken anywhere from within the penalty area, since there is usually no goal box marked. If a goal box is defined within the penalty area then it should be taken from within the goal box.
Penalty kicks are taken from 10 yards out from the touch line, centered between the goal posts.
The exclusion distance of the opposing team for free kicks should be at least 5 yards from the kick.
Gaining advantage from being in an offside position will NOT be enforced at this level of play.
Interference with the goalkeeper is not allowed (face-guarding, impeding, etc.).
No slide tackling at all; will result in indirect free kick from spot of infraction if the tackle does not result in a contact foul. Considered a violation of league rules even if it is a fair clean tackle.
If a player gets ejected from a game with a red card, the team will play down one player the remainder of the game.
Substitution of players is on the fly, player entering the field may not touch the ball before the playing being substituted for the existed the field completely. Violation of this rule results in an indirect free kick for the opposing team from the place the ball was touched. Goalkeepers can only be substituted for when a ball is out of play and with permission from the referee.
For Coed only: of the 7 players on the field, 3 must be female (a female can play keeper). If 3 females are unable to take the field, the team will play short. A team must have 5 players to begin the game.
Any other situations that have not been covered above will follow USSF/FIFA laws of the game for this level of play.
+30 League
To include all rules for Women’s 5v5 indoor and:
Of the 5 players on the field, 2 must be female. If your team is short female players, your team will play down one player for the length of the game or until an additional female player arrives.
Each team can have 2 female players under the age of 30 on their team roster.
2 yards of space will be given between a player kicking the ball into play and an opposing player.
MOCHO Rule: Men that kick a ball in a fierce nature and hit a female player above the waste will grant that female player an indirect kick from the position on the field where the incident occurred.
Each session requires a $50 deposit per team. This deposit is fully refundable each session with the exception of:
Late team payment: -$5 per week late (payment due 3rd week of play).
No-show to a game: -$5 per game (requires 24 hour notice).
Red card: -$10 if a player receives a red card (can appeal- must email President)
Ref No-show: +$10 (7 aside) $20 (11 aside) to each team (if there are no debits on team’s deposit, will be applicable on next session’s fees or refunded to team captain). Must email VP and Treasure to let them know ref was not present, no later than one week after game.
Dirty field: -$5 per team if fields are left with litter.
Must contact Treasurer for deposit return.
After one year of inactive play the cost is absorbed.
Deposit will only be released to team captain or can be rolled over to another team by captain that originally made deposit.
Deposit can be deducted for “other” offenses if discipline board or executive board deem it necessary or effective.